" Creo que vale la pena leer porque los libros ocultan países maravillosos que ignoramos, contienen experiencias que no hemos vivido jamás. Uno es indudablemente más rico después de la lectura" (Adolfo Bioy Casares)
Todos tenemos algún libro que nos espera. Para ayudaros a encontrar ese libro que os enriquezca y haga más felices surge este blog que acogerá las sugerencias y aportaciones de todos aquellos que han encontrado "su libro" y que quieren compartir con los demás ese hallazgo.

13 de febrero de 2020


The final product of our project has been finished!! And sent to Ashiya International Secondary School
In case you don’t remember, we have been working with this Japanese secondary school since April last year. We investigated about two Sustainable Development Goals. Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy and Goal 14: Life below water.
The result of this interactive and collaborative work has been expressed in a wonderful mural, whose upper part has been painted by the Japanese students and whose lower part has been painted by the Spanish students. If you look at the shared mural, you will find that it is really difficult to tell who has painted what. As if all students had been painting together at the same time. We are very proud of our mural.
Although it was painful to let it go, the mural was sent this week together with some little presents for our Japanese friends. This mural will be exhibited during the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Tokyo this summer, which is something exciting.
Looking back, all the participants agree that it has been a thrilling project with which we have learnt a lot, we have practised English, we have shared with a faraway culture and we have put into practice many different skills: researching, video recording, painting, debating, negotiating, …
Although it involves extra work, we would like to participate again if we had the chance!!!

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