" Creo que vale la pena leer porque los libros ocultan países maravillosos que ignoramos, contienen experiencias que no hemos vivido jamás. Uno es indudablemente más rico después de la lectura" (Adolfo Bioy Casares)
Todos tenemos algún libro que nos espera. Para ayudaros a encontrar ese libro que os enriquezca y haga más felices surge este blog que acogerá las sugerencias y aportaciones de todos aquellos que han encontrado "su libro" y que quieren compartir con los demás ese hallazgo.

12 de marzo de 2020


It is sad, but we have finished the project and we had to say goodbye to our beautiful mural.
After months of working together with the Japanese students in Hyogo Prefectural Ashiya International Secondary School, after the artistic part of the project is done, we sent the mural to Ashiya. It was like sending a son or daughter: we were sad to say goodbye, but happy because it gave us wonderful moments.
The mural arrived just in time with great joy in the Japanese school. The students in Ashiya had time to enjoy it and learn from it just before the classes were suspended because of this Covid-19.
We hope all the Japanese students can go back to normal life as soon as possible and that they can have their graduation ceremony and enjoy together in the school.

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